Monday, August 3, 2020

The pandemic and the BREATHE act.

Well, obviously we are not training indoors at the moment, or in the foreseeable future. We are doing some physically distanced outdoor music and movement.

Movement: of our bodies, and for Black Lives and our collective liberation. Check out the BREATHE act

The roda teaches us that to get anything done we need to act collectively; that our relationships matter; that we should listen and learn from one another. Can we take those skills into the roda of life?

‘Dentro da boca fechada

mosca nunca vai entrar’

é um ditado do meu povo

que sabe que nada vai mudar.

Capoeira nos ensina

pra mudar realidade

uma voz nao adianta nada

so com a coletividade.

O calado é vencedor,

assim diz velho ditado,

se os calados se juntarem

mundo vai ser derrubado!

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