Capoeira Angola from Salvador Brasil
Capoeira Angola: Brincando na roda
Both have extensive liner notes in PDF that can be downloaded for free!
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Mestre Silvinho also recorded an album: you can read more here:
Carangolo: the music of Capoeira Angola and you can listen on Bandcamp
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As part of my trajectory in Capoeira, informed and guided by my Mestres, I have begun a practice of writing ladainhas, exploring aspects of my relationship to Capoeira, the themes of ancestrality, colonialism, the plague of white supremacy, and my role as a citizen of the United States.
I collect these ladainhas in booklets that are inspired by Brasilian Literatura de Cordel.
Some classic ladainhas from the oral tradition and our Mestres: Classic ladainhas
Ladainhas about roots and ancestrality: Raizes
Ladainhas relating to my roots in Italy: Tenha o que e seu
Ladainhas about war and the history of the United States: Eu nao vou
Ladainhas about our responsibilities as citizens of the United States in regards to Israeli violence in Gaza and beyond: no ceu entra quem merece