You can see the entire archive here.
Below are some more videos of rodas
- This is a video of two women Mestres in Capoeira: Mestre Janja and Mestre Paulinha are both in Grupo Nzinga ; both were students of Mestre Moraes.
- This is Mestre Paulinha playing at the 2008 Women's conference sponsored by FICA:
- Mestra Gege (of FICA) and ContraMestra Barbara (of ACANNE) playing at the 2017 Capoeira Women's conference in Washington DC
The corrido is:
Call: Dona maria como vai voce?
Response: Vai voce, Vai voce
- This is our own Mestre Jurandir playing in 2003 in Bahia.
The corridos are
-Angola eh eh, Angola ah ah,
o berimbau ta me chamando eu vou jogar
-Angolinha, Angola
- This is our own Mestre Silvinho playing with Contra-Mestre Salim (a student of Mestre Joao Grande) at FICA Oakland, with Mestre Cobra Mansa on the gunga.
The corridos are:
-Agora sei porque matar o meu besouro
Depois de morto besourinho cordao de ouro
...cordao de ouro...
- This is Mestre Valmir playing with Mestre Cobra Mansa
The corrido is
Beira-mar ioio, Beira-mar iaia
beira-mar beira-mar ... e' de ioio...
beira-mar beira-mar ... e' de iaia...